A femoral osteotomy aims to restore a more normal alignment of your hip joint and/or leg. There are several ways in which this can be achieved depending on what is causing the deformity. There are two common conditions that require a femoral osteotomy, firstly when the femur is abnormally twisted. This causes the knee or foot to point inwards or outwards or can cause the head of femur to sit abnormally within the socket. The other common reason for surgery is when the femoral head is angled too high or low and therefore there is not enough coverage for it from the socket. During your surgery the surgeon will make a cut (osteotomy) through the upper part of your thigh bone (femur). They will then correct the bones position and use metalwork to hold the bones in place whilst they heal this will either be with a plate and screws or a metal rod (intra-medullary nail). The metalwork may then be removed at a later date once the bones are fully healed. This is a much smaller operation.